Environmental Impact Assessment
The company is a recognised market leader in undertaking the archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage components of environmental impact assessments. It has a wide variety of experience in key sectors including water, waste water, flood alleviation, transport infrastructure, wind generation and electricity supply projects. Services can be tailored to specific project requirements and include cultural heritage assessment, historical research, field survey, constraint studies, route corridor selection studies, preparation of Environmental Impact Statements, preparation of statements of evidence and attendance at oral hearings.
Architectural Heritage Services
Senior staff hold specialist qualifications in the area of architectural heritage and can provide a wide range of ancillary services including historic and industrial building recording, architectural inventory recording, architectural research, impact assessments, cartographic research and the review of the Record of Protected Structures and Architectural Conservation Areas.
Archaeological Consultancy & Project Management
They specialise in providing archaeological consultancy and project management services at different phases of the project. Input can be provided at project scoping, pre-planning assessment, planning permission, during and after construction.
Archaeological Testing, Monitoring & Excavation
CRDS have extensive experience in undertaking all aspects of archaeological field work for small, medium and large scale projects. Services include project scoping, archaeological licence application, procurement and appointment of specialist sub-contractors, pre-development archaeological testing, archaeological monitoring, archaeological assessment and compilation of reports to comply with regulatory requirements.